The Internet has revolutionized the way organizations think about application development and deployment. The leap from traditional client-server development to web base development takes more than accessing data through a browser.
Salient Features
- ASP.NET helps to develop web-based applications with high performance and scalability.
- Develop web-based applications using ASP.NET
- Apply client-side and server-side programming, DHTML, scripting.
- Analyze the performance issues involved in developing applications on the net.
- Evaluate the use of client-side scripting vs. server-side scripting.
- Develop applications using ASP.NET, XML and databases.
- Obtain and process information about server, clients, and users.
- Keeping track of client interactions.
- Develop and deploy applications using Microsoft InterDev and Studio.
Topics Covered
- Web-based Programming. Web application development concepts, issues, and protocol. Server-browser interaction.
- HTML. Overview of HTML capabilities, tags, formatting, writing forms and scripts.
- HTTP Protocol. The protocol, methods, data transfer and queries.
- DHTML. DOM, CSS2, attributes, events, netscape and IE extensions.
- Scripting. Overview of VBScript, JavaScript, document objects.
- ASP.NET. Why ASP.NET? Server and ASP.NET, Writing ASP.NET pages, IIS and ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Object Model. Classes in the ASP.NET object model. Functionality and features.
- Using InterDev. Creating projects, development and deployment using InterDev.
- ASP.NET Facilities. Interaction with server, tracking sessions with cookies, and session objects.
- ASP.NET Interactions. Interacting with other pages, forwarding and including.
- Performance Techniques. Caching, refreshing, client pull, buffering, issues.
- Managing Applications. The concept of an application in ASP.NET, Application objects.
- Database Access. ASP.NET and ADO, database access.
- Security. Security issues and concepts, authorization techniques, SSL.
- Other Technologies. Comparison to other technologies like CGI, JSP.
- XML and ASP.NET. Using XML with ASP.NET. XML for performance and ease of development.